“Digital is the main reason just over half of the companies on the Fortune 500 have disappeared since the year 2000.”

Pierre Nanterme, CEO Accenture

Overlay Software Framework

If Industry 4.0 is about “Rephrasing the Question” - the answer is to look at the entire environment rather than digitizing the problem

Overlay provides a framework for this world, a combination of constants and variables, the ability to dynamically move compute between the Cloud, the Edge and physical devices and an ability to think differently.

A solution that spans from the physical world, with the connectivity to devices and platforms, a cloud reference model and the mobile Edge to connect them together.

Thinking differently, what is the problem we are trying to solve? For Example ?

If Worldwide above 90% of road accidents are caused by human error, resulting in the death of 1.2 million people (about the population of the South Island) and 36 million left injured.

Can an automated solution address this, or alternatively we use technology to address socially attitudes toward public transport?

Today the industry is addressing driverless vehicles by trying replicate the human, limiting the vehicle to what a “Driver” would see and reinforcing the practice of a car with a single occupancy …. Would not a better alternative be to remove the human all together and rethink the entire strategy.

With byproducts such as a greener culture, less congested cities , and more efficient use of resources

Overlay Software Framework

If Industry 4.0 is about “Rephrasing the Question” - the answer is to look at the entire environment rather than digitizing the problem

Overlay provides a framework for this world, a combination of constants and variables, the ability to dynamically move compute between the Cloud, the Edge and physical devices and an ability to think differently.

A solution that spans from the physical world, with the connectivity to devices and platforms, a cloud reference model and the mobile Edge to connect them together.

Thinking differently, what is the problem we are trying to solve? For Example ?

If Worldwide above 90% of road accidents are caused by human error, resulting in the death of 1.2 million people (about the population of the South Island) and 36 million left injured.

Can an automated solution address this, or alternatively we use technology to address socially attitudes toward public transport?

Today the industry is addressing driverless vehicles by trying replicate the human, limiting the vehicle to what a “Driver” would see and reinforcing the practice of a car with a single occupancy …. Would not a better alternative be to remove the human all together and rethink the entire strategy.

With byproducts such as a greener culture, less congested cities , and more efficient use of resources


Future Enabled Cities

“Paerata Rise is an innovative community with superior standards as shown by the quality of streets and houses within this town. Our goal is to be one of the most desirable places to live in Auckland and becoming a Smart Village is an extension of this, offering the most cutting-edge technologies.”

 Chris Johnston, Executive Director

The year is 2062, George Jetson spends his time, an hour day, working 2 days each week, at Spacely Sprockets,  he no longer needs to go to the supermarket, his trip to work is driverless, and his life revolves around his family ….

This may sound like a utopia, where technology enhances the society rather than hinders it, but it is available today, and based on our experience will be coming to a village near you.

After many years of building Telecommunication networks internationally, where solutions are becoming more customer centric rather than the traditional subscriber based model of Voice, SMS and Data. We created Overlay to fill a gap in the market place …. A solution company bridging the gap between communications, compute and cloud, to deliver a digital vision. 

“Data is the oil, some say the gold, of the 21st Century,” “[It’s] the raw material that our economies, societies and democracies are increasingly being built on.”

If the city of the future is driven by  data, the engine becomes the ability to process and distribute logic. Where other companies  are constructing cloud based offerings to develop this smart city where analytics is the focus ,  but we have thought of the solution  as a communication problem  where logic is distributed, and involved in the real time 2 way conversation.

Based on our experience of a smart city Proof of concept in South Auckland, where first for  New Zealand  autonomous vehicle with “Uber” like functionality driving around a Private Mobile Network, to proof a first mile / last mile use case where the network is smart rather than the things running around it..

 Overlay creates a compute Layer , with the ability to distribute logic, over a ultimately scalable network, around an ecosystem in real time

 We want readdress the question rather than automate the answer.

 Though I am not advocating the ability to only work 2 days a week …. But this technology  is a step along the right path. ….